Printed booklets will be available at all services during advent.
For the theme branding, we were inspired by the visual concept of quilting because this series feels like a blanket wrapped around you, providing warmth and comfort as you begin again. Like a quilt formed by scraps of old fabrics and meaningful family items, this worship series stitches together the ancient scriptures and reminders we need to hear again and again. The medium of quilting is an ancient craft (dated as far back as 3400 BCE), but it is seeing a modern day resurgence.
Quilts have been used for physical protection, comfort, ceremonies, abolition, family heirlooms, advocacy, and more. Quilting is a medium that transcends countless cultures, regions, and time periods, but is a craft rooted in community and storytelling.
In the logo, the main icon is inspired by a design called a “kaleidoscope” quilt. It is formed by basic shapes: triangles, squares, and circles. The simple shapes are similar to the weekly reminders in this series—they are basic lessons we teach to children but they remain essential building blocks of our lives as adults. Kaleidoscope quilts are formed by symmetrical designs that often create star
patterns. The five stars at the center of the quilt become like an Advent wreath encircling a central candle. In the design, circles are emphasized, as the Advent season will be filled with endings and beginnings, which roots us in the cycles of time. In the typography, “Words” is stitched together as if part of the quilt. We wanted to emphasize that the words and reminders in this series are what we want to hold close. Like a quilt, the words provide protection and warmth. They stitch us to the history of generations. They tell our stories.